Friday, April 23, 2010

The Day That Changed My Life Forever

A warning in advance, this is a very touchy subject that's bound to rub some the wrong way and might upset members of my family. Read on at your own discretion.

For 22 long years I've being dealing with the events of January 21st, 1988. The day my mom passed away. I still remember that day as if it were yesterday with every detail fresh in my mind, burnt in my memory for eternity. Unfortunately, the reason I'll never forget is because I found her. At first I thought she was sleeping in the car. It wasn't until later I found out the truth. Back then I was told she took her own life. But I never believed that. There was too many things that didn't make sense. The main thing was the fact that our bathroom was covered in blood, but yet there was no blood anywhere else and she was out in the car. The other thing is she was acting like she was afraid of something the weeks leading up to the incident and my mom was not the type to get scared.

If it wasn't already painfully obvious, I'm saying my mother was murdered. I wish I can say I had any idea who it was or why they did it, but I don't and that kills me more then anything. I know bringing this up is going to get me alot of heat from my family, but I needed to let this out.

1 comment:

  1. {{{hugs}}} it's good to let it out. I know there was an investigation done and they determined that she wasn't murdered sweetie. No heat from here. Just love.
